"Hanayome-tachi ga Mita Nippon"
Client: NHK

"Hanayome-tachi ga Mita Nippon" (1996) 88'
Sub-title: "Gaikojin-Tsumatachi no Saigetsu"
("Prewar Foreign Wives of Japanese")
Client: NHK Educational

Produced in its entirety by IVW (directed, shot and edited by Michael Goldberg), this 73-minute Japanese feature documentary was adapted for 2 x 44-minutes programs on NHK's Educational channel in the prestigious series "ETV Tokushu." The first part covers the early Meiji history of the first Western wives of influential Japanese diplomats and artists. Then it follows one young couple, and seven foreign women in their eighties and nineties who married Japanese men before the Second World War and made their lives in Japan in very difficult times. Extensive historical and documentary footage rounds out their interviews.

VHS / DVD 日本語 - Japanese version only
Contact: ivwstaff@gol.com

NHK - "Hanayome-tachi ga Mita Nippon"